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        Located in Hangzhou, provincial seat of Zhejiang Province,
        the West Lake is one of the most famed tourist attractions
        in China. For centuries, the West Lake has been well known
        both for its picturesque landscape and for cultural heritage
        surviving yet illustrating the past dynasties.

        The landscape area of the West Lake includes the surrounding
        hills and nearby historical sites as well as the lake itself. The
        lake area covers around 60 square kilometers consisting of
        5.68 square kilometers of water area.

        The West Lake is the centerpiece of the natural fascination
        with bluish hills on three sides, serene and charming. Along
        the Lake, there stand lines of willows with ancient bridges
        leaping over them. Mist now veils the whole landscape, now
        just perches lightly on the green and luxuriant hills in the
        vicinity with tiny streams winding in deep valleys.

        More than ninety theme parks and scenic spots are dotted
        around the lake area such as the Ten Views of West Lake
        and ten-odd newly named tourist attractions. Rain or shine,
        the West Lake holds great attraction to tourists in all seasons.

        Besides its impressive scenery, the West Lake boasts of
        abundant cultural heritage and legends passed from generation
        to generation, commingling natural features, past personages, history, and art in the local area.

        Thanks to its long history and historic importance, the West
        Lake is also a cultural resort with 5 major historical monuments and cultural relics under state protection, 35 under province protection, 25 under municipal protection as well as 39 theme museums and cultural spots under a protection system.

        In the whole landscape area, there are more than one hundred scenic spots open to the tourists at present. Each year there
        are 0.5 million of foreign guests and 12 million domestic visitors coming to Hangzhou.

        The tourism management and related concerns are in the
        charge of Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Landscape and
        Cultural Relics (MBLCR for short), which is the administrative
        and authoritative department of the municipal government.


        The scope of the official duties of MBLCR are as follows:   1. MBLCR draws up the overall development blueprint for the broad lake region and carries it out. MBLCR figures out both the long term and short term action courses and detailed plans for management, protection, and development. MBLCR is responsible for the gardening, sanitation work, forestry protection, security, designing and business arrangement of the whole area which include all the parks, 57,000 mu of wooded hills, and 8,000 mu of the water expanse.   

        2. MBLCR protects, manages and makes full use of all the relics within the broad lake area, and advises and supervises the management of the cultural relics in the seven counties under the jurisdiction of the municipal government of Hangzhou.

        3. MBLCR plans, executes, and oversees comprehensive greening projects, and does the housekeeping chores on afforested regions around the west lake and Hangzhou.   

        The MBLCR has made great accomplishments in park construction and management, gardening projects, relic protections, and afforestation projects for the past several decades, especial since the establishment of the reform and open policy in 1978.

        The MBLCR plays a leading role in China's landscape designing and construction, and horticulture business. Quite a few theme parks and scenic spots have won top prizes at various designing contests at state and provincial levels such as Crown Prince Bay Park and Guo's Estate.

        In recent years, MBLCR has been awarded as the Best Tourist Service Supplier by the National Tourism Administration, Scenic Spot Management Model Unit and Urban Gardening Project Model by the Ministry of Construction, Forest Fire Control Model Unit by both the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Forestry.

        In 1999 the West Lake is ranked as the National Model of the Ten Beauty Spots by the Publicity Department CCCPC, Civic Virtues Office CCCPC, and National Tourism Administration.

        Management Committee of Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area
        Hangzhou Xixi National Wetland Park Management Committee
        ADD: No 1, Longjing Road , Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
        Phone: 0086-571-87179609 Registration Numbe: 05000003
        E-mail: ywj@hz.gov.cn Zhejiang Public Network Security: 33010602012497
        Website identification code: 3301000015